Evolution Lawyers

Outrageous and Reckless Trespass on Neighbouring Land: Hikurangi Forest Farms Limited v Negara Developments Limited [2018] NZHC 607

In one of our firm’s success stories in litigation, our client, Negara Developments Limited (Negara) was awarded compensatory damages in trespass, as well as exemplary damages, against Hikurangi Forest Farms Limited (Hikurangi). Trespass was established on the grounds that Hikurangi had harvested pine trees on Negara’s land without right to do so. Background Hikurangi, a… Continue reading Outrageous and Reckless Trespass on Neighbouring Land: Hikurangi Forest Farms Limited v Negara Developments Limited [2018] NZHC 607

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Unlawful Occupiers Ousted – Summary Judgement Affirms Property Owners’ Rights Amidst Disputed Occupation: Prasad v Wharekawa [2019] NZDC 10247

Our firm successfully obtained a summary judgement for our clients in this curious case of unlawful possession. This case involved a property dispute between the plaintiffs, Mr Ravinai Prasad and Mrs Neelesh Chandra, and the defendants, Mr Abraham Wharewaka and Mrs Shirlena Julian. The plaintiffs were the registered owners of the property on the record… Continue reading Unlawful Occupiers Ousted – Summary Judgement Affirms Property Owners’ Rights Amidst Disputed Occupation: Prasad v Wharekawa [2019] NZDC 10247

Battle for Browns Bay – Potential Beneficiary Faces Off Against Trustee in High Court Property Dispute: Rawson v Prescott [2024] NZHC 1919

This case involved a complex property dispute between the plaintiff, Roy Rawson, and the defendant, Lucinda Prescott, our client. The property, located in Browns Bay, is held in the plaintiff’s family trust, of which the defendant is a potential beneficiary. Our firm successfully defended our client’s rights to occupy the property against summary judgement, with… Continue reading Battle for Browns Bay – Potential Beneficiary Faces Off Against Trustee in High Court Property Dispute: Rawson v Prescott [2024] NZHC 1919

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A Will Shrouded in Controversy – Disputes Over Testamentary Capacity and Undue Influence: Lane v Li [2024] NZHC 3663

Lane v Li delves into the deeply contentious and emotionally charged dispute over the validity of a will made in the final weeks of the deceased, Frank Lane’s, life. At the heart of the matter lies a dramatic departure from the deceased’s will made in 2010, to a new will drafted on 8 April 2023… Continue reading A Will Shrouded in Controversy – Disputes Over Testamentary Capacity and Undue Influence: Lane v Li [2024] NZHC 3663

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