Evolution Lawyers

Joint Tenancy vs Tenancy in Common

If you want to own land with another person, you will have option of holding the legal title as either joint tenants or tenants in common. So, what is the difference? In a joint tenancy, the registered proprietors have shared title to the whole property. They own 100% of the property together. This means that… Continue reading Joint Tenancy vs Tenancy in Common

Using KiwiSaver to Buy Your First Home

KiwiSaver can help you buy a home faster.  With the help of a lawyer and your KiwiSaver provider, and subject to a few conditions, you can use the balance in your KiwiSaver account towards the purchase of your first home. What is KiwiSaver? KiwiSaver refers to the management investment schemes governed by the KiwiSaver Act… Continue reading Using KiwiSaver to Buy Your First Home

Buying a Residential Property

Some things you might want to know Conveyancing Buying a residential property falls within the category of transactions lawyers term “conveyancing”.  This short guide sets out some things you might want to know about what is involved in a property purchase conveyance. The Sale and Purchase Agreement Every property purchase involves entering into a sale… Continue reading Buying a Residential Property

Selling a Residential Property

Some things you might want to know Conveyancing Selling a residential property falls within the category of transactions lawyers term “conveyancing”.  This short guide sets out some things you might want to know about what is involved in a property sale conveyance. The Sale and Purchase Agreement Every property sale involves entering into a sale… Continue reading Selling a Residential Property

Refinancing a Residential Property

Some things you might want to know Conveyancing Refinancing a residential property by entering into a new mortgage with a different bank falls within the category of transactions lawyers term “conveyancing”.  This short guide sets out some things you might want to know about what is involved in a refinance conveyance. Your Existing Mortgage A… Continue reading Refinancing a Residential Property